Head Coach Appointment – Garth “dark horse” McCulloug

A massive thanks to Graham Scattergood for undertaking the Head Coach role last year and leading us through 2023 – quite the baptism of fire for our Tassie pied piper! Graham will be concentrating on his Junior’s for the coming racing season both for the Pennants and All Schools which is the next cab off the rank in a few weeks. 

Congratulations and thanks to Garth McCulloug for taking on the role – all I can say is watch out people!!! 

Garth has a raft of experience much of which he has kept under wraps as he marketed himself as Mr Dogsbody. Did you know – Garth rowed out of famed Thames Tradesman RC in the UK after his start at Sydney’s Leichhardt Rowing Club? He disappears over to Germany every year to coach/dogsbody at the Germania Ruder Rowing Club in Hamburg, where he reckons he’s the Steven Bradbury of rowing coaches … but you don’t get to coach an international crew if you don’t know what you’re talking about.

Garth’s experience in rowing and coaching both athletes and up and coming coaches spans from 1985 to the present. He has operated in NZ, UK as well as Oz (on both sides of the continent) in schools and both surf and rowing clubs. He is highly active in both rowing disciplines and recently pulled together the coastal rowing clinic with Stuart Clarke with his ANA and Surf Club hats on.

He is the recipient of the Roswell Memorial Cup and Coach of the Year twice over at the St Georges Rowing Club. He has lots of other accolades in the surfboat arena that’s too long to mention here and lord only knows what else, as it was hard enough to get this out of him! Anyhow, congrats Garth and looking forward to you whipping us into shape in your usual blustery “good” humour!

Before the announcement…
and after! 🙂